What Are the Benefits of Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Services?
- One benefit of volunteer income tax assistance services is that because some of them are affiliated with local nonprofit groups, they can reach more people in areas that are not always serviced. For example, these services are beneficial to taxpayers who live in the inner city.
- Because some volunteer income tax assistance services are free or affordable, this gives working-class families better chances at getting their taxes filed. This is especially beneficial for someone who has just lost her job.
- When taxpayers visit the IRS, they sometimes feel intimidated or that the workers don't understand their situations. With volunteer income tax assistants, the taxpayers may feel more comfortable because the assistants explain the tax rules in ways taxpayers can understand.
- The volunteers can benefit because they feel a sense of gratification that they're able to help taxpayers in need. This is sometimes true for college students and accountants who have a mission to give back to their communities.
- Preparing taxes doesn't have to be overwhelming and expensive. When taxpayers take advantage of volunteer income tax assistance services, they'll find advocates who want to ensure that they're getting the refunds they need and that all tax rules are followed.