Your Freelance Success -- Set a Goal and/or Goals to Achieve It!
It is easy to become scattered and work on projects that aren't as rewarding as we had hoped for.
The way to avoid this is to set a goal or goals for our direction.
Having a specific goal, with a deadline, is the key to success.
This has been stated over and over again by top speakers, by top leaders, by those who have achieved amazing feats, happiness, health and almost anything one might desire.
And yet, so many of us don't take the time to consider what it is we really want, write it down, and take the action steps to get it.
We don't have to be rigid about our goal setting.
It is OK to have more than one goal -- there are people who have written down more than 100 goals for their lives and have achieved them.
And, if you are working toward a specific goal and discover it actually isn't the goal you desire, it is OK to change it.
But it is important to have a goal or goals.
You ask, "I understand the importance of setting a goal or goal, but what if I don't know what I want?" This is an excellent question and you are not alone.
I have been teaching a popular workshop for years called How to Discover Your Core Passion that is filled with others who are trying to find out what they want.
I believe and tell my students that deep down they do know what they want, but subconsciously realize that once they admit it to themselves and actually put it on paper, they will have to do it.
And, what keeps us from doing this? FEAR! Fear of failure, fear of criticism, fear of the unknown, fear of loss, fear of change, and a whole host of other fears.
My question to you is, "What would you do if you had no limitations and knew that you could not fail?" Take some time to sit down and write a wish list, thinking of all of the changes you would like to have happen in your life and your career.
Why and how do goals work? First of all, a goal must have certain qualities.
It must be specific enough that you can visualize it.
It is an advantage to set a deadline and a way to measure the outcome.
For example, if you decide to lose weight, you would specify the number of pounds and when you would reach your ideal weight, visualizing how you will look and feel.
Any goal should offer a challenge, but not be impossible or unreasonable.
The most important part is that you believe you can reach it.
Earl Nightingale shared his greatest secret, "We become what we think about all day long.
" That is the power of goal setting, because as we think about our goals, the most amazing circumstances start to take place.
We meet the people who can help us.
We just happen to hear or learn exactly what we need to know to get to the next step.
Life becomes more exciting and interesting.
You will wake up in the morning looking forward to the day and filled with anticipation.
Sound a bit overwhelming? I suggest setting some short-term goals to focus on, and as you reach those, the bigger goals will seem much more reachable.