Horse Racing Revelation - How to Really Make Money on Betfair
You really can make money at it! First of all let's dispel some of the myths.
In spite of what the sellers of most of the 'make money on Betfair' systems will tell you, you will not make enough to give up your day job and retire within a few weeks! Making money from betting is a very real way to make a steady income but it takes research, practice and discipline.
Sadly, what's led most people to be cynical about making money from the likes of Betfair is the over hyped systems - most of which have no sound basis for making a profit.
We've all seen them - images of piles of case, sports cars and luxury homes.
This just isn't reality! To be a success in gambling the first key step is a proven strategy with a steady, proven track record.
If you are interested in a betting system look at the past results and check on some forums if possible to see what real experiences people have had.
Once you've found one you feel is right, I suggest you either paper trade - that's to say don't use real money! - or start with small stakes.
Set aside a betting bank for your betting system and stick to it! You must be disciplined to make money on betting exchanges and if there are rules and selection criteria you must apply them rigidly.
If you've picked a good system the author will have put hours of research and testing into it.
Don't think you know better and deviate unless you really have experience or knowledge.
It's no great revelation but in horse racing you will make more money on betting exchanges if you are backing horses than if you use a traditional bookmaker.
The push & pull of backers and layers on betting exchanges drives the odds up and you can obtain as mush as 20% to 25% better odds if you place your bet at the right time.
This additional stake can turn even a break even system into a winning betting system as of course you will achieve those higher returns.