200 Ways to Make Easy, Fast Money Online NOW
Who doesn't want to quick their job and start their own business - ok, not everyone, but most people do want to learn how to make money online and to make it fast, easy and now. That is precisely the goal behind James Peterson's new book: Work Online 200 plus ways to make money online fast, easy and now.
I read the book and I talked via online chat with James and he is an interesting young man with a lot of smarts, but according to him, making money online was something that fell into his lap when he was 16 years old.
Bill: So James, you say that this all sort of fell into your lap and that you didn't even know what you had until much later. Can you give me a bit more detail?
James: Well, I was sixteen years old and I was trying to make up for a bit of slacking off. Basically I was just trying to win some brownie points, so I offered to help a teacher build and maintain our high schools website. Like I mentioned in the book, this was not something a student was allowed to do but she desperately needed help so, I was the unofficial helper.
I went from the helper to the builder, to running the whole show in a matter of weeks and in my mind it was ok. I truly thought that I was winning over my teacher and that she really owed me a favor - what kid doesn't want to think that an administrator owes them something. So in essence, working online just fell into my lap because I knew nothing about building websites, maintaining them or even how to make money from it.
Bill: So did you learn on your own, did you take a course? What did you do?
James: I will never tell anyone that making money online is so easy that you can do it in your sleep - no, it takes some work. That is why I titled my book €working online€, because it is work. But I will admit that much of what I did I learned by searching the internet. I spent hours upon hours; weeks on end searching and reading everything I could online. I tell all my friends, have a problem - Google it. I learned everything I needed from the internet.
Bill: How did you start making money? You mentioned it fell in your lap, was it your intention to make money?
James: To be honest I made money, lots of money - at least for what a teenager thinks is a lot of money. But no, my intention was not to make money. It wasn't until I had read several articles about web hosting, website maintenance that I started running into articles that talked about making money online. It took me time to build up the courage to do it, especially since I didn't have a website and being a teen I decided to use the schools web site instead.
Bill: You used the high school website to make money?
James: I learned about affiliate marketing and several other means of how to make money and since I was doing all of this under the radar anyway, I just couldn't go up to my parents and say - Hey can I have a couple hundred bucks to build a website, purchase a domain name and pay for advertising. So being a reckless teen, I did what I shouldn't have done, I experimented with the schools website because, it already had traffic.
Bill: Wow, talk about risky. I am assuming it work - you made money?
James: oh, yes - I wouldn't be here talking with you, or have written this book if I hadn't made money. But like I said, it took work, effort, a dedication to learning new things every single day. But in the end it paid off.
Bill: What happened, I understand things fell apart?
James: Well, it wasn't my website so I had to branch out. There were a few obstacles that I had to overcome of which again, being a reckless teen, let's just say I didn't take the appropriate channels. But in all fairness my initial failure was when my parents noticed my not so lack luster grades and made me stop doing anything and everything that was not related to school work. It all came to a screaming halt. But a few years later I started from scratch and pulled everything back together.
Bill: Any advice for people who may want to learn how to make money online - legal ones?
James: Funny. No, it's not that hard now, I would suggest that if you're a teen and want to do this, get started now and don't stop. This kind of business works well for teens and it can be very lucrative. Not that an adult can't do it - but teens have more free time. They have access to other teens, for instance I had more than 700 students in my high school, that is a market that is easy to build on when you're a teen. And no, don't do what I did, try your best to be honest, work with your parents and you will do find.
There are so many ways to make money online that it can be done by anyone, old, young, talented and maybe not so talented - it can be done. My advice would be if this is what you want to do, learn about it, experiment and have fun while you do it.
I just want to thank James for the time he took to speak to me, I read his book, it is filled with a lot of informative information and if you really want to make money online: having 200 differents to do is very helpful. Order ebook now for $2.99