Social Media Using Your Instincts

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If you are even a moderately successful real estate agent, you must have good people skills and an instinctive understanding of how to communicate.
These are the same skills that you will need when you use social media networks to market your business.
If you still haven't gotten on the social media marketing bandwagon, you are missing a golden opportunity.
Social media is inexpensive or free.
It helps your build your business and your brand.
It's a friendly, nonthreatening method of remaining in contact with your clients.
What could be bad about any of that? Unfortunately, there are a few bad apples that insist on spoiling the entire bag.
Bad behavior by a few agents on social sites can give all the others a bad name.
Don't become one of the "bad apples.
" Use the instincts that have served you so well thus far when you use social media to market your business.
Meet people; form relationships.
One of the first things you learn when you begin a career in real estate is to start with people you know, people with whom you have a relationship.
You build from there.
It's the same in social media marketing.
Don't try to collect meaningless "friends" or random "followers".
Invest your time in people with whom you can form some sort of a relationship.
Don't be a shameless self-promoter.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who won't let you get a word in edgewise? Have you ever had a co-worker who can't stop telling you about all his successes? Do you have any acquaintances whose topics of conversation are limited exclusively to themselves? We all know these people and none of us wants to be around them.
Social networking offers the opportunity to be a shameless self-promoter but we must resist the urge.
Try to intersperse your posts about your listings with interesting articles or informative tips.
The opposite of the self-promoter is the silent lurker.
If you are going to use this vehicle you must be an active participant.
You can't just lurk in the background without commenting or communicating.
That's the social media network equivalent of being the wallflower at a party.
Get actively involved in your on-line community.
You already know how to network or you wouldn't be in this business.
You just need to apply the skills you already have to a different forum.
Just give it a try and let your instincts be your guide.
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