Find Ancestors
The internet has made public records research so quick, easy and affordable.
Sites that specialize in researching public records lets you search multiple databases all at the same time, you can have access to birth, death, and marriage records instantly, and many more records as well.
This means that you can find ancestors without having to spend hours and hours researching.
The first place to start is by asking relatives what they know so you can start with facts that you know are hopefully true! After that it's best to go online with a site that has all the birth, deaths and marriages for your country.
You can also check military records and emigration records as well.
Just remember names do get slightly altered as I found out with an Auntie of mine who arrived from Greece but on the passenger list was down in the Greek pronunciation of that name, it was only that I recognised the rest of the family names that I realised who she was.
The internet has made public records research so quick, easy and affordable.
Sites that specialize in researching public records lets you search multiple databases all at the same time, you can have access to birth, death, and marriage records instantly, and many more records as well.
This means that you can find ancestors without having to hunt around for days and day on end.
The internet is fantastic for researching your family tree for one ancestor I simply typed his name into a search engine and I document came up relating to his death what a find that was.
I love to find ancestors its so rewarding (although I have many still to find) I look forward to the next ancestor I will come across in my quest to build my family tree.
So have fun researching, and good luck.