Working SMART in Social Media by Having Goals
Are the social media goals you have for your business specific? For instance, is your goal willy-nilly like "I want my business to be on Face Book and Twitter.
" Now that may not look like a bad goal at first glance but is it truly specific? A better goal would be: "I will set up a Face Book Fan Page and a Twitter account for my business.
" Although similar, the latter is more specific and has an action attached to it.
Are your goals measurable and attainable? Working smarter is to have a goal that you can measure and that is actually attainable.
I mean, what's the point if we don't know how we are doing right? Make sense? Let's take the above goal: "I will set up a Face Book Fan Page and a Twitter account for my business.
" If you add to that goal, "I will have a gazillion followers and fans in the next two weeks.
" Well it would make it measurable but is it really attainable? Probably not.
Maybe something more reasonable like, " I will post interesting content at least one time per day, tweet out at least two messages relevant to my customers per day and reach out to my email contacts in order to have 50 followers and 50 fans in the next 2 weeks.
" Relevance is also an important factor in having a SMART goal.
When you are thinking about social media outreach for your business think about what platforms make the most sense.
Your goals should include a component that speaks to its relevance to your business.
If Face Book, Twitter, and YouTube will have the most relevance for your business, then start with those.
LinkedIn may not be relevant right now.
Don't just throw your business out there on every platform just because it exists.
Make your goal time-sensitive.
If there is no end in sight, we sometimes get off track.
Have an end date.
By when will you set up your accounts? Once you reach 50 fans, then what? When will your reach 100 fans? You need to build in short and long terms target dates to keep you moving along your path to success.