How to Buy Women's Rogaine
- For women seeking convenience and confidentiality, Women's Rogaine can be bought through Rogaine's website. Buying directly from the site provides benefits such as access to the Rogaine Growth Coach program. Through it, consumers can find product offers, tips for styling thinning hair and read testimonials from other users.
- Women's Rogaine is also available at local mass retailers, such as discount department and drugstore chains. As a vendor, these retail outlets may charge slightly higher prices than those found on Rogaine's website. Product selection may also be an issue as it can vary between locations.
- Women's Rogaine is not considered a quick fix. On average, results are typically seen after four months of twice-daily use. As of August 2010, a four-month "Super Saver" supply purchased directly from Rogaine's website costs $57.95 plus tax and shipping.
Willingness to commit to the product and routine is another factor to consider. Hereditary hair loss is considered a lifelong condition. Women's Rogaine requires ongoing daily use to maintain any results seen.