The Weeping Ghosts
My uncle Dickey was only 15 years old at the time. He had been diagnosed with leukemia. This was 1958 and there wasn't much they could do for him back then.
On this particular evening, Dickey had become very ill and was rushed to the hospital. As the family waited anxiously for word on his condition, I slipped out back to sit on the porch.
Something caught my eye out by the swing, so I walked toward the willow tree. As I grew closer, I could see what appeared to be a woman wearing a long white gown. I couldn't make out her facial features, but I could hear her weeping bitterly. Then I saw another woman weeping on the rail road tracks; she too was wearing a long white gown.
The hair stood up on the back of my neck as it dawned on me these were either ghosts or angels. I ran back to the porch as fast as I could go, where my mother was sitting on the top step weeping. They had just gotten word Dickey had passed away!
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