How to Get Motivated and Set Goals: The Top Ten Tips
1. Define your goal. You've got to clearly understand where you want to end up before you begin any journey. Set goals that are realistic and specific.
2. Don't try to do everything at once. Limit your goals to follow a one-at-a-time model. Rome wasn't built in a day.
3. Make your goals public. Tell those close to you what your goal is and that you want their feedback and support as you work toward your set goals. Ask them to ask about your progress.
4. Break down your goal into manageable mini-goals. Get expert help in how to organize your plan to achieve success.
5. Set personal rewards for achieving each of your mini-goals. Behavioralists are right--positive reinforcement stimulates sustained effort.
6. Start small, but start. Starting small can produce big results. Even the longest journey begins with a single step, but you have to take that step. Start by spending just ten minutes extra each day, working toward your set goals.
7. Practice correctly. More golf swings do not improve a golf game. Expert advice and coaching makes a difference.
8. Practice consistently but don't over-do. Limit practice to avoid burn-out. An object in motion tends to stay in motion. So keep moving to accomplish your set goals.
9. Avoid procrastination. An object at rest tends to stay at rest. Make consistent effort a habitual practice. However, if you miss practice, forgive yourself and then start again.
10. Evaluate your progress toward your set goals and be flexible. What is working and what needs adjustment? Do the set goals or practice need refinement? Get expert, or at least, objective help to properly evaluate.