Love, Actually: "General Hospital Recap for Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Lulu becomes hysterical as she sees Logan in her mother's room. Laura convinces her that the apparition trying to keep Lulu from moving on isn't Logan, but her own subconscious. She urges Lulu to talk to Logan and to tell him how she feels and how she felt after breaking up with him. Miraculously, when she does so, Logan disappears. I don't know - how sick can Lulu be if this is all in her head. That's awfully good analysis.
Claudia continues trying to convince Ric that she saw Johnny kill Logan in self-defense. Ric lets her go on and on, finally pronouncing her a liar. He could work with her, he says, but in the end, the slightest contrary evidence could trip her up. So she's not taking the stand, but Lulu is. Upon hearing this, Johnny screams no, that he told Ric from the beginning that Lulu cannot take the stand. Claudia asks for a minute with Johnny. While talking with her brother, she realizes that Johnny wouldn't have gone after Logan with a knife; he would have used his gun. She knows now that Lulu killed Logan. Now what? Claudia won't let her brother go to prison for Lulu.
Matt confides in Maxie that he lost a heart patient because of counterfeit drugs. He can't let anyone else die, so he had used his contacts and finally found the distributor - the same one that sent drugs to GH. He wants to get evidence and names to turn over to the police. Maxie, having been a heart patient herself, is more touched by Matt's story than she lets on.
She promises not to give him away. No matter because Jerry heard the whole thing and tells Karpov. Karpov wants the problem taken care of. We know what that means.
Karpov becomes a true mad Russian when he sees that his visa has been revoked, courtesy of Jax. Carly is truly terrified for her husband as Karpov threatens Jax as he's leaving. Jax shrugs it off. He says that he's almost ready to come home but still wants to take things slowe so that his decision is the correct one.
After eavesdropping on Maxie and Matt's conversation, Jerry told Andre Karpov that Dr. Hunter was closing in on their counterfeit drug operation. Andre told Jerry to take care of the problem, permanently.
Kate is not on the island long before she's heard the name Carly one too many times from the maid and Sonny. As she picks at her dinner, she again confronts him about Carly. Again, Sonny assures her it's over. Kate says that she knows there's some kind of bond there and that Jax knows it too. Sonny claims to be a different man now, in a very committed relationship with Kate and no interest in his ex-wife.
Jason and Elizabeth start to get into it, but Jason stops. Elizabeth is terribly upset. Jason feels that meeting in secret will not be enough for either one of them, and the dance will start again. Bottom line, it's too dangerous for them to be together. Elizabeth wants to know if he still loves her, or is he just trying to get rid of her. Was it, in fact, all about Jake? "You know I love you," he says with a pained look on his face. And leaves.