How to Make a Pencil Sketch in Photoshop
- 1). Open your image in Photoshop.
- 2). Click "Image," then "Mode," then "Grayscale" to convert the image to black and white. If Photoshop prompts you to flatten the image, select "No."
- 3). Click "Layer" and then "Duplicate" to make a copy of the background layer.
- 4). Click on the new layer in the Layers palette to select it and press "Ctrl" + "I" to invert the layer, creating a negative. Press "Command" + "I" for Mac.
- 5). Click the "Blend Modes" drop-down menu at the top of the Layers palette and select "Color Dodge" from the list.
- 6). Click on the "Filter" menu and select "Blur," then "Gaussian Blur." Move the slider in the Gaussian Blur dialog back and forth to increase and decrease the blur effect. The more blur you add, the wider and darker the shadows and lines will be.
- 7). Click "File" and select "Save as...". Follow the onscreen prompts to save your work.