Maryland Net Fishing Regulations
- Maryland's fishing net regulations are enforced by the Department of Natural nets image by TEA from
Maryland's net fishing regulations depend on the type of water being fished and the type of net used. The state also has different rules for residents and non-residents. Non-residents of Maryland face more limited use of fishing nets while fishing Maryland waters.
Complete Maryland fishing regulations, including net regulations, are available in the "Maryland Fishing Guide," available in booklet form at most places fishing licenses are sold or online at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website.
A link to the department's website is listed below. - Landing nets are permitted in all waters and may be used by Maryland residents or non-residents. Landing nets are used by fishermen to bring a fish caught by hook and line onto the boat or shore.
Non-residents of Maryland may not use any other type of fishing net in freshwater areas. - Dip nets are used to catch fish by scooping them from water or trapping them in the net in some other way. These nets range from small mesh nets for minnows to larger wire nets for toothy species. The use of dip nets is prohibited from April 16 to Dec.31.
Dip nets cannot be used within 50 yards of the mouth of a stream feeding into another stream or at the face of a dam.
Dip nets are illegal in trout waters stocked by the state and in all special-regulation trout waters. Special regulation areas would include fly-fishing-only areas, for instance. Dip nets are also prohibited for bass fishing.
Only county residents may use dip nets in the Susquehanna River in Cecil and Harford counties, in the Monocacy and Potomac Rivers in Frederick and Carroll counties, and in all waters of Washington and Allegheny counties.
Baited dip nets are prohibited. - Cast nets are illegal in non-tidal waters. Non-tidal waters include most freshwater in the state except large rivers at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.
Cast nets are an ancient way of fishing. They are weighted, large nets designed for use in shallow water. The fisherman throws the net out over a wide area and hauls it back in after fish have been trapped in the net. - Casting nets are permitted in the bay and its tributaries if the radius of the net is 10 feet or less.
Dip nets may be used for crabbing in the bay and its tributaries.
Dip nets are prohibited for fishing in the Susquehanna River above the mouth of Deer Creek.