How to Fish With a Dropper Rig
- 1). Tie the dropper rig in a manner that puts the nymph fly about 6 inches above a streamer lure on your fishing line -- this simulates a small bait fish chasing a fly. Add a small amount of cut bait, such as minnows or grass shrimp, to disguise the hooks. Cast the line about 10 feet away from you and allow the current to take it. Allow the weight of the streamer lure to take the line below the water. Keep the line taut and jerk the rod tip slightly to simulate movement. Set the hook and reel your catch in when you feel a strike.
- 2). Attach two dry nymph flies about 3 inches apart on the end of your line to simulate two flies sitting on the surface of the water. Cast your line downstream as close to the shoreline as you can. Let the current take the line from you. Reel the line in slightly to keep it within about 10 feet of your location. Set the hook when you feel a bite and reel your catch in.
- 3). Tie two streamer lures about 3 to 4 inches apart on the end of your finishing line to simulate two bait fish swimming together. Add a small amount of cut bait to the hooks on the lure to cover them up. Cast your line and allow the current to drift it away from you. Keep your line taut and jerk the rod tip up and down if the current is too slow to simulate movement. Reel the line in some, then let it go. Continue in this manner until you get a strike. Move to other parts of the stream, river or lake for better results, if necessary.