Disconnect Between Catholic Hierarchy and Catholics

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An article in AmericanThinker.com brings to the front and center of America's crowded social stage the aching void that exists between the Catholic Church hierarchy, the bishops and cardinals, and the mass of laity.

Titled, "Catholic Church and Health Care Reform," the piece by Bill Claydon illustrates that Church leaders aren't exactly on the same page as churchgoers when it comes to social issues in America: [http://bit.ly/2Il8x]

For that matter, neither are "Catholic" American poiticians such as Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy, et al. even in the same chapter as Catholic churchgoers, but I'll save that subject for future attention.

Claydon points out that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the USCCB, enthusiastically endorses Obamacare- universal, government-run, health care-despite its tacit acceptance of two Catholic cardinal sins, abortion of innocent pre-born babies and euthanasia.

None of the Democratic-sponsored versions of Obamacare explicity mention government-paid abortions and none dare mention euthanasia. Implicit in all versions is government-endorsed, and paid for, both abominations.

Abortion is widely understood for what it is, the execution in the womb of an innocent life.

Those who object to that definition are welcome to disagree, unless they have a vested interest in abortion, as in their having had an abortion.

In that case, my heart goes out to them but it's all but impossible for you to be objective.

Wikipedia misleadingly defines euthanasia as "the practice of ending a life in a painless manner." That "practice" really involves much more, namely, physician-assisted suicide, mercy killing, and the eradication of lives no longer considered as contributing to society.

At this point, anyone thinking Hitler, Goebbels, or Mengele would be an intelligent thinker.

Much has been made of late as to end of life "death panels" in the Obamacare proposals and, as of this writing, they may have been scratched from the running as has the entire single-payer idea. They may be resurrected.

However, we're focusing now on why would, or could, Catholic leaders be in favor a law that incorporated such abominations.

Their hand was tipped in the Notre Dame brouhaha last spring when that esteemed, ostensibly-Catholic, university chose to invite an avowed abortionist, Barack Hussein Obama, to be its commencement speaker. Many bishops decided not to weigh in in opposition to that choice.

See "Unsettled Dust on Notre Dame's Catholic Plate," http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=1020, et al.

However, the disgrace at Notre Dame was merely the tip of the New Catholic iceberg.

The hierarchical vs. laity disconnect is rooted in the fact that the leaders of America's Catholic Church are, in essence, socialist Democrats who also favor unlimited access to our country by illegal aliens, assuming most will be Latinos who will then join, and contribute, to the Church.

Both assumptions are dubious.

Claydon concludes his well-researched article by saying something in which I totally concur: "In the opinion of this writer, the USCCB seems to simply be on the "health insurance reform" bandwagon. The Conference does not offer any kind of serious critique of the details. These are the shepherds to whom U.S. Catholics such as myself are supposed to look. Personally, I am deeply disappointed."
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