Children and Anxiety Disorders
It has been known that children do indeed suffer with an anxiety disorder.
Children for the most part have fears and they are the same as adults, just about different topics.
Every person goes through some type of fear; just some are more exaggerated than others.
If you have a school age child and he or she has an upcoming test then they may fear failure.
These types of fears usually do not turn into disorders they just remain fears.
Parents can ease them by constant reassurance.
This will give the child the confidence that they need to make it through school.
The more that a child's mind grows, the more it is possible for the worry to remain, thus developing an anxiety disorder.
However, the boogie man and a school crush just remain as normal fears and generally are nothing that needs further examination.
We as parents try to protect our children every day and instill good values that will help carry them through life.
Sometimes we can't be there to protect them though and that is hard on both the child and the parent.
We can't stop their fears from occurring we can only talk them through them.
If they believe that there is a monster in the closet or down the hall that is what they are going to believe until they stop that fear on their own.
This is all a part of a child's imagination and when their minds develop further then they will realize that the monsters are not real and they will move on from that experience.
Children also tend to aim for perfection to make parents proud and sometime this can lead them to OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder.
This is based on repetition and if they feel that they do not have it right the first time they will do it over and over until in their minds it is perfect.
Some of the signs that OCD may pose a threat are constant hand washing, fear of failure and counting objects.
Whereas others need that constant reminder to know that they are doing a great job.
Researchers say that when a child surpasses 6 months of having fears then they are considered to have phobias.
Once these phobias have reached severity they can be looked at as the child having an anxiety disorder.
Children often have many fears as they are growing up but they tend to go away whereas some of them continue through life with these fears.
Children do not understand what is happening to them when they are having fears; their simple minds are not developed enough at that stage.
Expressing themselves can be a challenge but there are other ways to know if there is something going on.
They will tend to cry more or throw tantrums.
As they grow they will become more vocal and be able to express to you their fears.
Children for the most part have fears and they are the same as adults, just about different topics.
Every person goes through some type of fear; just some are more exaggerated than others.
If you have a school age child and he or she has an upcoming test then they may fear failure.
These types of fears usually do not turn into disorders they just remain fears.
Parents can ease them by constant reassurance.
This will give the child the confidence that they need to make it through school.
The more that a child's mind grows, the more it is possible for the worry to remain, thus developing an anxiety disorder.
However, the boogie man and a school crush just remain as normal fears and generally are nothing that needs further examination.
We as parents try to protect our children every day and instill good values that will help carry them through life.
Sometimes we can't be there to protect them though and that is hard on both the child and the parent.
We can't stop their fears from occurring we can only talk them through them.
If they believe that there is a monster in the closet or down the hall that is what they are going to believe until they stop that fear on their own.
This is all a part of a child's imagination and when their minds develop further then they will realize that the monsters are not real and they will move on from that experience.
Children also tend to aim for perfection to make parents proud and sometime this can lead them to OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder.
This is based on repetition and if they feel that they do not have it right the first time they will do it over and over until in their minds it is perfect.
Some of the signs that OCD may pose a threat are constant hand washing, fear of failure and counting objects.
Whereas others need that constant reminder to know that they are doing a great job.
Researchers say that when a child surpasses 6 months of having fears then they are considered to have phobias.
Once these phobias have reached severity they can be looked at as the child having an anxiety disorder.
Children often have many fears as they are growing up but they tend to go away whereas some of them continue through life with these fears.
Children do not understand what is happening to them when they are having fears; their simple minds are not developed enough at that stage.
Expressing themselves can be a challenge but there are other ways to know if there is something going on.
They will tend to cry more or throw tantrums.
As they grow they will become more vocal and be able to express to you their fears.