Make Your Ex Boyfriend Wish You Were His Again - Show Him How Much He Needs You And He Will Be Back

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When you lose the man you love, your mind goes into a fog and your heart does your thinking. This is a recipe for disaster because you will be following your instincts instead of reasoning. If you want to make your ex boyfriend wish you were his again, you have to let him go. This might be the last thing you want to do, but it is the only way to get your ex back. Learn how to show him how much he needs you and he will be back.

You cannot get your ex boyfriend back by crying and begging him to love you again. This just gives him the upper hand and he knows he can take his time. You are the same as telling him that you will swallow your pride and dignity and take him back whenever he chooses to honor you. Do not let him take away your self respect. You deserve more than that. There is no need for you to feel rejected every time you try to contact him.  

To make your ex boyfriend wish you were his again, you need to get control and transfer your feelings of doubt and desperation over to him. This can be easier than you think. Right now he is sitting with a smug smile on his face playing you like a puppet. You have to wipe that smile off his face and give him notice that you are not his toy. Show him that you can live without him and he will see how much he needs you and be back.

Start off by making a vow that you will not try to contact him for several weeks. He may be wanting to come back before then, but make your vow for several weeks. No phone calls, emails or text messages. Do not try to run into him 'accidentally' or be driving by where he lives. You have to ignore him completely and move on with your life. Get your emotions in check and act like the carefree self confident woman you were when you met him. This will not be easy, but you cannot let him bring you down.

To keep away from your ex boyfriend you need to stay busy. Reconnect with your family, they will give some much needed support. Take up a hobby or take some night classes to prepare for a better job. Go out with your friends and have fun. When a few weeks have passed and he has not heard from you, your ex will be wondering what happened to you. When he finds out how well you are living your life without him, it will make your ex boyfriend wish you were his again. It will also show him how much he needs you and he will be back.
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