Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Information - What It"s All About
One of the most important things they need to know is their payment status to the creditors after they file for bankruptcy.
Would they owe their creditors any money at all? Would their creditors still be pressurizing the debtor for money to be paid back? In essence, the answers to these questions are often considered very uncomfortable from the perspective of the debtor.
This is precisely why a lot of people prefer going for Chapter 7 bankruptcy instead of the repayment schedule of Chapter 13.
A critical point in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy information is that a part payment arrangement would be arranged between you and your creditors.
In other words, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Information tells you one thing - You would be liable to pay your debts if you have filed for Chapter 13.
With that being said, there is another point to be noted - Credit repair often gets a touch easier for people who have filed for Chapter 13.
Unlike Chapter 7 where you would need to wait for couple of years before availing fresh credit, you could get credit almost immediately if you have filed for Chapter 13.
Obviously, the deciding factor for banks to provide credit to such individuals is how they have paid back their creditors.
If the repayment history has been healthy enough, you would find banks giving such individuals a second chance with credit.
Importantly, the individual would need to wait for at least 6 months before all of this happens.
The first 6 months after an individual files for Chapter 13, are considered to be the most tumultuous and challenging.
This is the time when creditors would exert a lot of pressure on individuals to pay back their dues.
This importantly, is the time when the individuals try to recover from the stigma of bankruptcy.
Having a balanced head in such scenarios is very critical, because if only you have one, will you be able to handle all that's thrown at you now.
You should also have a good group of friends and colleagues, who could help you with some money in hand just so that you could take care of a lot of pending stuff that needs money.
Whether it is Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, bankruptcy filing must be avoided to the extent possible.
Individuals must note that filing for bankruptcy should indeed be the last resort when they wish to escape the dues and debts.