How to Help Students Become Better Readers
- 1). Teach literacy skills across the curriculum. Comprehension strategies such as predicting, summarizing and finding the main idea are effective for social studies and science as well as reading classes. These skills will also help students when they read independently.
- 2). Designate time each day for independent reading. You may have only 15 minutes for this, but that is still worth having. Let the children see that reading is important to you. Pull out a favorite novel and read silently during this time too.
- 3). Conduct class discussions about the books children read. Ask them questions about the characters, plots and settings. Get them to think about previous experiences similar to those they read about so they can make connections to the text.
- 4). Read aloud to your students. Most children enjoy listening to adults read. Read fluently with expression to keep the children's attention. The more you read to them, the more likely they are to emulate your habits.