Advertising Agencies Atlanta - Before Hiring
Thanks to the internet and globalization, lowering your overall business expenses is not a far-fetched goal for you anymore.
Because of the internet and the highly exposed social media sites, you can now share your business and your services globally.
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are the most common and known sites where you can set-up an account for your business and start networking and get connected online.
Another big way to promote yourself and your website now is through organic search engine optimization.
I know this is a mouth full but all it means is that there are free ways to get your website exposed and looked at.
And the more your website gets looked at, the more the search engines will look at it as an authority site on the subject and bump it up on the search engine result pages.
There is much training and hype about this method but I want to keep it simple and clear for you here.
So one of the things you can start doing is look for forums and blogs related to your business, product or service and start leaving comments and tips on there.
These comments and tips need to be informative and helpful to the readers and not come over as hard selling them your business.
Another way to help get links into your website is to write articles (or get someone to write articles) about your business and post them on
Again here the articles are not sales/promotional but providing your target market with valuable and trustworthy information.
And at the bottom of the article you are allowed to mention your website and what you are offering.
A bit more committed would be to set-up a free blog about your business where you post regular content on your subject.
The internet search engines like blogs because their content is fresh.
And an added bonus is that you can add an opt-in form on your blog home page for visitors to leave their email contact details.
Another way to reduce your costs substantially is outsourcing.
The world is now available to everyone and through this globalization you can find ways of outsourcing simple, repetitive tasks to capable and willing people.
I know outsourcing is kind of a sensitive subject, but I am thinking in terms of outsourcing your administrative tasks to a virtual assistant, for example.
Outsourcing your bookkeeping records could save you hiring a full time employee or two and reduce your overhead drastically.
Start by making a list of simple repetitive tasks which you could easily write procedures on.
Then you can put out your requests on one of the well known outsourcing sites like,, and see what offers you get back.
This might be time consuming at the start to set-up but in the long run you will reap the benefits.
Another option would be to put out your job listings on Craigslist or any job message boards of universities and colleges.
There are plenty of people out here who are willing to do a great job and will be open to your offers these days.
If you consider Atlanta advertising agencies, start using one of the methods above as soon as possible to free up money and invest further in your business.