How to Buy Inexpensive Children's Books
- 1). Visit used bookstores. Most cities have used bookstores that sell books for at least half the cover price. You may even get to trade in your old children's books.
- 2). Go to library sales. Libraries raise money for new books by having a Friends of the Library sale. Hardcovers and paperbacks are available to the public for purchase. The special event takes place one or two times a year, and some libraries have a Friends of the Library store where books are sold year round.
- 3). Shop at thrift stores like Goodwill or Salvation Army. When people clean clutter from their homes, they donate unwanted items to thrift stores. There's always a book section at the Goodwill or Salvation Army. You can usually find books in good condition on their shelves.
- 4). Shop on ebay, Amazon or These online stores offer used books at rock-bottom prices. Ebay usually has listings of bulk lots of books for sale. For example, an ebay seller may sell 20 to 30 books in one listing. Bid on the item, and you could get all the books for a few dollars. One good store that sells in bulk on ebay is They offer a box of children's books for one low price including shipping.
- 5). Visit flea markets. You can usually find vendors that sell children's books at reasonable prices. They often sell books for one or two dollars. Once in a while, you'll find a vendor that lets you fill a bag with books and just charges you a dollar or two.
- 6). Scope out garage sales. People are always trying to get rid of unwanted books so they usually offer books for sale at garage sales. Many times, you'll find books that the seller's kids have outgrown.
- 7). Purchase books from the Scholastic book club fliers your children bring home from school. Scholastic book club fliers usually sell books at a lower price than what you will find in the bookstores or even at the Scholastic school book fairs.
- 8). Locate books at discount stores such as Walmart. Walmart often has bestselling children's books that are priced at a deeper discount than the ones you will find in chain bookstores.