Cheats for 'Demons & Souls'
- This cheat helps you to gain lots of souls. To begin with, you must beat the first boos at the Shrine of Storms and then you are allowed to enter a new room. Here you will immediately see three lesser demons; defeat them all and then walk back to the door you came through. Stand in the doorway and use your bow to shoot an arrow at the demon with the scythe. Doing this will automatically kill all the demons in the area, releasing around 4,500 souls for you to collect. If you want to repeat this process, go to the Archstone from the boss and teleport to the Nexus. Then go back to the room and do it all again for more souls. You can do this as many times as you like.
- This cheat will help you defeat the Maneater creature. When you enter into battle with the Maneater, equip the Dark Silver shield and try to stand directly in front of the creature. The snake tails attached to the Maneater will rise and change to a yellow color from time to time. When the snake tails do this, guard against the attack by raising your shield. The flash of yellow from the snake tails will be reflected in you shield and blind the Maneater temporarily. While it is blinded, you can hit it once or twice before it regains its sight. You can beat the Maneater creature easily using this cheat.
- This cheat will help you to defeat the Red Dragon on the bridge going to Tower Knight. First, make sure you have a crossbow and 100 bolts, and then get yourself to the top of the first tower on the bridge. Kill the two archers and look for three archer windows. You must go to the one on the far right; it will take around 20 to 30 minutes to reach it. When you are there, fire crossbow bolts at the dragon when he swoops down to burn the bridge. Keep doing this until the dragon is killed, and in return, you will receive around 8,000 souls.
- This cheat will give you extra rings in the game. After you have defeated the Red Dragon, you must go back to the Boletarian Palace, located before the bridge to the main gate lever. Before defeating the Red Dragon, you could not enter because the two dragons were sleeping inside. Now with the dragons gone, you can get the items hidden inside. Here you will find the Ring of Strength, Ring of Fire and a Renounced Hero Soul.