Anthropology Dissertation Ideas
- Religion is a part of practically every culture that has ever existed, and it plays a part in many significant historical events. The Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the attacks of September 11th are all related to people with religious views judging others by their own standards. This area is a good place to study when coming up with a topic for your dissertation. "Good Fridays, Celtic Tigers and the Drumcree Church Parade: Media, politics and the state in Northern Ireland" is a dissertation by Thomas H. Taaffe at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Christopher James MacKenzie at the University of Albany wrote about "Maya bodies and minds: Religion and modernity in a K'Iche' Town" in 2005. These are just two examples of dissertations that engage religious topics. Any topic dealing with religion and its effects on societies ancient or modern is acceptable.
- Gender and sexuality are common subjects among anthropology dissertations. The way women are treated by men and the way their roles are defined changes from society to society. Many anthropologists examine this dynamic in the society they have chosen to study. Choosing a career field or a geographical region and examining how women have either prospered or been kept from succeeding is a good subject for your dissertation. The same goes for examinations of the various sexual identities held by people. "That Which Is Not What It Seems: Queer Youth, Rurality, Class and the Architecture of Assistance" is a 2010 dissertation by Amherst student Kaila Gabrielle Kuban. New York University's Deborah Matzner wrote "Mediating Women: Producing Commercial Satellite Television Programming, and Documentary Film in Mumbai" in 2010 as well.
- Many societies have been impacted and changed by different races coming together. This isn't just referring to the racism and strife that has been present in America since its inception. In 1987 Amherst student Nancy Lundgren wrote a dissertation analyzing the effects of race and ethnicity on the children of Belize with her dissertation "Socialization of children in Belize: Identity, race and power within the world political economy." By taking any country and dissecting the effects racial elements have had on a specific facet such as the economy or education, a quality dissertation could be researched and written.
- Social structures are often defined by economics. The rich rising to the top and having more power and influence than the poor is not an uncommon occurrence throughout world history. Anthropologists can study this in greater depth to form their dissertation. Looking at the class system of a culture and how it has shaped the lives of its residents is an academic topic worth some research and extensive writing. In 1998 University of Albany student Stefan Czerwinski wrote his dissertation on "Determinants of Blood Levels in Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Children from Birth to Two Years: A Biocultural Perspective." The effects of poverty on the health and development of children is a common subject for anthropology students to explore.