How to Fill out Income Tax Return Forms
Things You'll Need
Fill out Printed Income Tax Forms
1Fill out your tax forms by printing your answers in the blanks using an ink pen, or type your answers in the blanks. Do not use cursive or complete forms with a pencil.
Follow the directions provided in the instruction booklet that corresponds with your tax form. This booklet will walk you through the form step by step and provide worksheets for you to perform any necessary calculations.
Mail your tax return forms to the address listed for your state. You can find it on the last page of the instruction booklet. The address to which you mail your forms will also depend on whether you are including a check or filing late.
Fill out Your Income Tax Forms Online
1Decide whether to file online. The IRS recommends filing online because it greatly reduces the risk of calculation errors. However, some states do not have easy-to-use online systems.
Use Free File on the IRS website, making sure you qualify first (see Resources below). If you do not qualify, but still want to file online, choose a tax preparer from the list of partners on the IRS website.
File your forms online. You will simply fill in online worksheets that will complete all calculations for you.