3 Fast Muscle Building Exercises to Get Ripped Quick
However, if you are looking to build the largest amount of muscle in the shortest amount of time then compound exercises that utilise large areas of the body will be the best.
With this in mind, consider these 3 fast muscle building exercises.
Bent over rows are one of the most proven methods of building muscle quickly and effectively.
By engaging in this exercise on a frequent basis you will develop both your core, your back, your legs, and your biceps as well.
It is a very simple exercise to do and all you need to do is stand with your feet about hip width apart and your back straight.
Make sure that your body is angled to the floor and hold to dumbbells in your hands with your palms facing inwards.
Simply put the dumbbell up to the chest in a rowing motion and make sure your elbows are fully locked in at all times.
Deadlifts are also very helpful and the particular muscle groups that this exercise will focus on will be your lower back, core, and hamstrings.
When doing this exercise it is possible to use either a dumbbell set or a barbell.
Stand with your feet a couple of feet apart and use your hips in order to pivot, keeping your back straight.
Keep your shoulders slightly over the weights and then lift them up until you are standing up straight.
Slowly replace to the floor and repeat.
Another similar exercise that will enable you to work out almost the entire body, and in particular the shoulders and upper body, will be the clean and jerk.
This compound exercise is used in strongman competitions on a regular basis and will help you to fully condition and strengthen your whole upper body.
Certainly, incorporating these three exercises into your workout regime will certainly lead to some significant results.
In fact, any exercise that makes use of many different muscle groups in one will always be very beneficial.