Good Ways to Start an Essay About Forgiveness
- A good way to start an essay on forgiveness is to begin with a relevant quote. Find a quote from a well-known public figure or a religious text on the topic of forgiveness. For example: “Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much,” by Oscar Wilde, or “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you,” from Ephesians 4:32. Using a quote to begin your essay will help introduce your topic and focus the context of your essay.
- An anecdote is a short story of a particular event that is interesting or amusing. Begin your essay with an anecdote about forgiveness as a way of gaining your readers’ interest and introducing your topic. The anecdote can be a personal story about your experience with forgiveness or one that you’ve heard or read elsewhere. If the anecdote you choose is not your own story, be sure to reference your source.
- A thesis statement is one or two sentences that tell your reader what you will argue in your essay. The thesis is usually written at the end of the first paragraph and should be supported with evidence throughout the essay. For example, a thesis on forgiveness could be: “Forgiveness is a form of self-healing; when you learn to forgive someone else, you learn to forgive yourself.” If your topic changes as your write your essay, be sure to revise your thesis statement so it reflects the discussion throughout your paper.
- Begin your essay with an interesting fact or information about forgiveness. For example, if your essay is about forgiveness and conflict resolution you could begin with a quote from Harvard Health Publications that says, “A 2004 study showed that women who were able to forgive their spouses and feel benevolent toward them resolved conflicts more effectively.” Make sure the fact you choose applies to the angle of forgiveness your essay discusses.