Fix Xbox 360 2 Red Lights Error - The Perfect Fixing Solutions For Fixing the 2 Red Lights Error
If you have faced this before, this might completely annoy you.
You are reading the right article as this article will give you the causes and fixing solutions of the two red lights error.
So read on.
The two red lights error may happen due to breaking of the video output if the graphics have got stuck on the screen.
It might also happen as a result of overheating of the console.
Overheating is mainly caused because the Xbox console has a cramped layout and Microsoft has not ensured proper cooling mechanisms.
These lights are a sign of a damaged graphic card or maybe a damaged hardware.
In order to avoid this error you have to make sure that you keep your console in a cool and proper ventilated area.
It is also essential that you keep your console clean and make sure that it is not overheated.
In order to fix this error you can send the console back o Microsoft in case it is still under the warranty period.
If your console is not under the warranty period, you might have to spend $100- $200 to get it fixed from Microsoft, and you will also have to pay for the shipping charges.
There are repair manuals designed as most of the Xbox users have faced a problem of two red lights error from time to time.
You can get one for yourself.
You can either download it from the internet or purchase it.
Normally, the paid repair manual are the best ones and they provide step by step audiovisual instructions that makes it very easy for you to fix the two red lights error.