The Future of Social Web
There's no doubt about that but what about tomorrow? With 500 millions members on Facebook, 100 millions videos uploaded / month on You Tube and 50 million tweets/ Day on twitter, it is clear that social media is far more than a teenager trend.
It is becoming a lifestyle in a way.
These numbers are not only impressive but a strong indicator that social media is THE web right now.
It is shaping our daily internet lives and marketers are scratching their heads to get a piece of the pie.
But if social media rules internet today, what's the future of social web? Can we imagine what the web can and will look like in a near future? We already have access to social media platforms from our smart phones, iPads and notebooks.
So what more? I was asked this question a while back and responded quickly and quite impatiently that the future of social web would be essentially a better mastering of what is already here today.
This meaning that like TV, after VHS we had CD, DVDs and now BluRay.
But this answer is incomplete because it supposes that we're done inventing the social web I think the real answer (after months of reflecting on the matter) is that the future of web will be on multiple levels.
Here are my thoughts on a few things that I see coming surely.
1- The complete adoption of social media platforms by companies We are already beginning to see this as we have companies like IBM creating blogs and being involved in the social media world by creating pages and launching marketing campaigns on Facebook.
I think we will see more of that in the future.
There will be a greater integration of corporate websites and social platforms.
Sites like Facebook will be well advised to start creating a secure and 'corporate" access to companies, with higher security and better control of information.
2- No more SEO and Web specialist, experts or MUCH LESS of them This is a bad news for a guy like me but I think that just as you do not need someone to plug your TV, you won't need a guy telling you what to do with your website You will need a webmaster just as you need a cable guy, but that will be it.
Content management software are becoming so efficient and all-in-one applications are so powerful that you will be able to practically run your website and check your ratings and unique visitors without me telling you how it works and how to improve it.
3- Websites will be different As a matter of fact there will be no more websites as you know them.
The external appearance of it might look the same but behind the scene; you probably will be able to push content via the CMS to your website from your cell phone and be able to post, delete comments real time like on social networks.
4- Websites will come to you Rather than sitting there waiting for you to visit- you'll receive the website as an ad! How? It will work like an ad on TV.
During a break you have commercials..
If you're a member of the "Chicago area job-hunt" list you'll be sent via email or on your mobile, a select list of websites that might be of interest to you.
These companies websites will display on your screen one by one and they will pay to be the first home page in a sequence.
No more links to a website but the whole website with several interesting jobs in that market on your screen.
This is my take on what will be the future of social web-I might be wrong but this is where I see it going..
How about you/ Let me know your thoughts on this!