Relieving Foot Stress Fracture Pain
When it comes to most minor stress fractures of the foot, there is not much that can be done, but to give the foot time to heal.
Stress fractures are incredibly painful and caused by a wide variety of different things.
What occurs is, through excess stress and pressure being placed on one of the 26 bones of the foot, a crack forms.
This often results in times of intense pain, as well as pain when walking or running.
It can also, at times, be seen physically by way of redness, swelling, and inflammation near the site of the pain.
In rare cases, bruising of the foot can occur as well.
Whilst these hairline cracks can be painful, they are considered relatively minor injuries, but if left untreated the fractures can grow and result in a full break of the bone.
For tips on how to reduce the pain associated with a stress fracture of the foot, and to get on the path to proper healing, follow the treatment options below.
Ice the Foot Icing the affected area is a great way to reduce the pain associated with foot stress fractures.
The cold actually works as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and it will not only help to reduce the swelling often seen with stress fractures of the foot, but it will help to soothe the pain too.
You can ice the area of the fracture up to four times a day.
Use an ice pack or bag of ice (be careful about the weight as the pressure will be painful for you), and place it on the affected area for about fifteen minutes at a time.
Rest and Elevate the Foot It is important to note the stress part of a stress fracture.
That means that the best way to heal the foot is to rest it and elevate it as much as possible and to ease the strain.
Every step you take on a foot that has a stress fracture is just putting more stress and more pressure on that fracture.
This is likely to increase your odds of the fracture turning into a break, or of multiple cracks forming.
Of course you cannot avoid all walking entirely, but try to keep it to a minimum.
Also, elevate your foot whenever possible.
You are likely to find that when in a relaxed and supported position, you do not have to deal with much pain.
Over the Counter Pain Relievers Pain relievers available at pretty much all drug stores, such as Ibuprofen or acetaminophen, are recommended when looking for a way to reduce the pain associated with a foot stress fracture.
As these medications contain anti-inflammatory properties, they will not only help to reduce the pain you are in, but they will also aid in reducing the inflammation around the site as well.
Stress fractures are incredibly painful and caused by a wide variety of different things.
What occurs is, through excess stress and pressure being placed on one of the 26 bones of the foot, a crack forms.
This often results in times of intense pain, as well as pain when walking or running.
It can also, at times, be seen physically by way of redness, swelling, and inflammation near the site of the pain.
In rare cases, bruising of the foot can occur as well.
Whilst these hairline cracks can be painful, they are considered relatively minor injuries, but if left untreated the fractures can grow and result in a full break of the bone.
For tips on how to reduce the pain associated with a stress fracture of the foot, and to get on the path to proper healing, follow the treatment options below.
Ice the Foot Icing the affected area is a great way to reduce the pain associated with foot stress fractures.
The cold actually works as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and it will not only help to reduce the swelling often seen with stress fractures of the foot, but it will help to soothe the pain too.
You can ice the area of the fracture up to four times a day.
Use an ice pack or bag of ice (be careful about the weight as the pressure will be painful for you), and place it on the affected area for about fifteen minutes at a time.
Rest and Elevate the Foot It is important to note the stress part of a stress fracture.
That means that the best way to heal the foot is to rest it and elevate it as much as possible and to ease the strain.
Every step you take on a foot that has a stress fracture is just putting more stress and more pressure on that fracture.
This is likely to increase your odds of the fracture turning into a break, or of multiple cracks forming.
Of course you cannot avoid all walking entirely, but try to keep it to a minimum.
Also, elevate your foot whenever possible.
You are likely to find that when in a relaxed and supported position, you do not have to deal with much pain.
Over the Counter Pain Relievers Pain relievers available at pretty much all drug stores, such as Ibuprofen or acetaminophen, are recommended when looking for a way to reduce the pain associated with a foot stress fracture.
As these medications contain anti-inflammatory properties, they will not only help to reduce the pain you are in, but they will also aid in reducing the inflammation around the site as well.