Sharpening Collegiate American Football Workout Drills
Hand off drill
Drills practicing fundamentals like an effective hand offs can make the difference between a mediocre team and an excellent one. One great hand off drill starts by having two separate lines of players facing each other: line A and line B. At the coaches signal player A leaves line A running with the football towards line B. In sync with that first player, a second player leaves line B, when they meet player A passes to player B. At the point of the hand off another player leaves line A and runs towards player B, who hands off the ball to the new player. This drill should perform in a seamless motion. Practice this drill every day to ensure that your running backs are effective on their hand offs.
Practice can help turnovers
There is a golden rule in football defense, get the ball to the offensive team as quickly as possible. Win your games by training your defense to use a strong tackle that strips the ball from the opponent. This drill practices with two players. Have the defender move up on the offensive player, trust his arms back and then forward with his fists clenched. The defender will practice stripping the ball by bringing his hands up quickly with a clenched fist to grab the opponent and as he does so to aim to knock out the football. This drill is most effective if you start it slow focusing on the motions needed to be effective, and then speed up over time.
Secrets to a good hand off
Learning the basics in a handoff is essential to a strong offense. We will explain this in a common scenario between a quarterback and a running back. A good hand off starts with the running back giving a target to the quarterback, this can be done in the running back keeping his arms flat against his body, one arm low and the other high creating an open square or target around the chest for the quarterback to slide the ball in. When the running back receives the football he clamps down both arms hard on the football to protect it. Now that the running back has the ball when he leaves the quarterback he should remain low to the ground in order to react quickly on the field.
Let's not forget weightlifting. It is one of the essential elements that will help you improve your game. Not only will it add muscle to your body and increase your strength, it will also help you to increase your maximum power. Maximum power should be the goal of your training, because it involves muscle strength and muscle excursion during play. This exertion will help you as a football player to execute your skills on the field with speed and force. Weight lifting can cause injuries, and as such we highly recommend having a professional coach on hand during weightlifting sessions. You trainer will also help you accomplish your weightlifting goals and teach you new techniques.
Drills practicing fundamentals like an effective hand offs can make the difference between a mediocre team and an excellent one. One great hand off drill starts by having two separate lines of players facing each other: line A and line B. At the coaches signal player A leaves line A running with the football towards line B. In sync with that first player, a second player leaves line B, when they meet player A passes to player B. At the point of the hand off another player leaves line A and runs towards player B, who hands off the ball to the new player. This drill should perform in a seamless motion. Practice this drill every day to ensure that your running backs are effective on their hand offs.
Practice can help turnovers
There is a golden rule in football defense, get the ball to the offensive team as quickly as possible. Win your games by training your defense to use a strong tackle that strips the ball from the opponent. This drill practices with two players. Have the defender move up on the offensive player, trust his arms back and then forward with his fists clenched. The defender will practice stripping the ball by bringing his hands up quickly with a clenched fist to grab the opponent and as he does so to aim to knock out the football. This drill is most effective if you start it slow focusing on the motions needed to be effective, and then speed up over time.
Secrets to a good hand off
Learning the basics in a handoff is essential to a strong offense. We will explain this in a common scenario between a quarterback and a running back. A good hand off starts with the running back giving a target to the quarterback, this can be done in the running back keeping his arms flat against his body, one arm low and the other high creating an open square or target around the chest for the quarterback to slide the ball in. When the running back receives the football he clamps down both arms hard on the football to protect it. Now that the running back has the ball when he leaves the quarterback he should remain low to the ground in order to react quickly on the field.
Let's not forget weightlifting. It is one of the essential elements that will help you improve your game. Not only will it add muscle to your body and increase your strength, it will also help you to increase your maximum power. Maximum power should be the goal of your training, because it involves muscle strength and muscle excursion during play. This exertion will help you as a football player to execute your skills on the field with speed and force. Weight lifting can cause injuries, and as such we highly recommend having a professional coach on hand during weightlifting sessions. You trainer will also help you accomplish your weightlifting goals and teach you new techniques.