Anxiety Disorders Children Experience
Whether it is due to a dark room or falling down or even being up high, these natural fears of child are bound to happen.
When they are faced with experiences that are not familiar to them like going to a new day care of school the fear is natural.
There are more uncommon fears in our children that are appearing more and more these days.
These fears differ from the typical, natural fears that many children experience.
They are often diagnosed as anxiety disorders.
When a diagnosis is made for an anxiety disorder, the child is in a much more serious position.
Obsessive compulsive disorders, post traumatic stress syndrome, and panic attacks are common types of anxiety disorders children experience.
The number of children being diagnosed with such disorders is growing rapidly.
While this article will provide some signs of anxiety disorders, it will not go into the many possible causes of them as this would take entirely too much time.
This article is meant to provide an insight into some symptoms that you may witness if your child is suffering from an anxiety disorder.
When a child is suffering from some of these disorders you may be able to pinpoint certain behaviors.
Discovering the disorder early and getting a diagnosis can lead to a quicker recover and a more effective treatment.
Children that suffer from panic attacks tend to show the signs in a multitude of ways.
Just like when an adult has a panic attack, a child experiences the tightness in their chest and the shortness of breath when the attack sets in.
They may also have terrible stomach aches, break out in rashes or hives, and have headaches on a frequent basis.
Another common sign is the fits that include crying, screaming and sheer terror.
They can experience these things during the day time and even at night, as if they were having a nightmare.
Another anxiety disorder children suffer from is OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder.
They may seem to be excessive in their actions or irrational in their behaviors.
They are acting out to try to control things in their surroundings.
It could be that they continuously wash their hands or that they insist on having order in their toys or their belongings.
When someone disturbs their order they tend to get very upset by it.
They may refuse to touch certain items like door knobs.
Any behavior that becomes a fixation for them can be their certain obsession.
The child's mind is typically leading to the behaviors that some may see as the child acting up.
OCD is simply thoughts in the mind that will not subside.
In effort to make the thoughts and feelings go away, the child begins to display certain behaviors.
This helps them reduce their anxiety levels.
Children sometimes experience things in their lives that cause them an abundance of stress.
These traumatic events lead to post traumatic stress syndromes.
Whether a loved one had passed on or they experienced a fire in their home, this type of disorder is a serious one for children to deal with.
The children that suffer from this ailment tend to need a great deal of counseling to work through their insecurities.
You should keep a close eye on your child and how they are behaving.
If they wash their hands on a regular basis or if they have a stomachache this does not necessarily mean that they are experiencing and anxiety disorder.
But if you feel like there are some symptoms of an anxiety disorder then you should take them to see a pediatrician or another professional.
These conditions are very serious so you should not assume that you know what the issue is.
By having the knowledge about the anxiety disorders children have you will be helping to ensure proper care for your child and assisting them with a much quicker recovery.