How to Fix a Leaky Shower Pan
- 1). Clean the shower pan with a mixture of muriatic acid and water. Use four parts water to a single part of acid to create a diluted solution safe to use in the home. Always wear protective gloves, goggles and a mask when handling the chemical.
- 2). Flush the pan with clean water to rinse the solution away.
- 3). Remove any loose grout around the pan, using a wire brush or grout removal tool. Apply new grout to the seams by spreading the grout on with a trowel and wiping away the excess with a float tool. Drag the tool across the seam to remove the excess grout.
- 4). Let the repair dry for five to seven days, and do not use the shower at all during this period. This allows the grout to fully dry.
- 5). Seal the entire surface with a professional-grade masonry sealing compound and a paintbrush, both of which are available at home improvement stores. Paint the sealer over the entire surface, let it dry and then add another coat to form a watertight seal. Allow this to dry for 24 to 48 hours, or as recommended in the manufacturer's instructions.