How to Clean an SKB 600
- 1). Ensure that the shotgun is completely unloaded prior to cleaning.
- 2). Open the breech by depressing the release lever located on top of the shotgun.
- 3). Apply a light coat of gun-cleaning solution to the shotgun bore-cleaning swab. Attach the cleaning swab to the bore plunger.
- 4). Insert the bore plunger into the barrel. Push down and twist, then pull back up. Change the swab and apply more cleaner when the swab turns black. Continue this process until no powder residue is visible on the swab.
- 5). Apply cleaner to a gun-cleaning brush and scrub the region around the firing pin. Powder residue tends to cake up on this area. Scrub and wipe with a clean rag until no more powder residue is visible.
- 6). Apply a gun cleaner to the exterior metal and scrub away any rusted areas or dirt. Wipe the metal down with a clean rag.
- 7). Apply a wood oil to the stock to keep the stock supple and to help prevent cracking or dry rot. Wipe the oil with a rag until the wood absorbs the oil.