Anxiety and Panic Disorders Health Center News Fea

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Anxiety and Panic Disorders Health Center News Fea

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  1. Lower Your Stress, Spare Your Heart

    March 31, 2008 (Chicago) -- Here's another reason to learn relaxation techniques. Researchers have found that lowering or keeping anxiety levels in check dramatically cuts the risk of heart attack or death in people with heart disease. In a study of more than 500 heart patients, those who reduced or
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  2. The United States of Anxiety

    By Lauren Iannotti It's the most common mental illness in America. One worrywart stares down her (and our) tendency to fret. Actually, much of the country does — anxiety disorders affect nearly 40 million Americans. Author Patricia Pearson explores our national epidemic in her new book, A Brief Hist
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  3. Talk Therapy Curbs Panic Disorder

    Jan. 17, 2008 -- A 12-week course of talk therapy may help curb the often debilitating symptoms of panic disorder -- including intense fear, chest pain, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath. The new findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association in Ne
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  4. Conquering Fear of Public Speaking

    Steve Tingley’s promotion came with a new duty he dreaded. When the 52-year-old was appointed director of media services for a Madison, Wis., insurance company, he was expected to make presentations to other divisions and outside groups. “I’d break out in a sweat, get very nervous, stutter on the st
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  5. Panic Attacks May Increase Heart Risk

    Oct. 1, 2007 -- Older women who experience panic attacks appear to have an increased risk for having heart attacks or heart-related death, new research suggests. Postmenopausal women in the study who reported at least one full-blown panic attack within six months of being interviewed were four times
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  6. The Truth About Phobias

    Weddings are generally joyous occasions, but not so for Marissa Wolicki, 25, of Toronto, Canada, who reluctantly attended one recently with her boyfriend. "All of a sudden, the room started to spin. I started to feel really nauseated. My heart went pound-pound-pound-pound. I grabbed my boyfriend's h
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  7. Worried Sick? Help for Hypochondria

    According to his doctor, Rich David is a healthy 32-year-old man. Yet for years, David has believed otherwise. All it takes is a swollen gland or an upset stomach to set him off. Immediately, he assumes -- he knows -- that he's fatally ill. "I'll waste days researching gruesome cancers on the Intern
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  8. Anxiety Disorders Common, Untreated

    March 5, 2007 -- Nearly one-fifth of patients in health clinics may have anxiety disorders, and many of them aren't getting help for their anxiety disorder, a new study suggests. Anxiety disorders go beyond normal anxiety or fear. Here's how the National Institute of Mental Health describes common t
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  9. Elderly Mental Health Problems Often Missed More

    May 22, 2006 -- Anxiety may affect twice as many older adults as depression, according to new research. Researchers say generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) may be the most common mental disorder among the elderly, although little is known about how to treat the disorder among older adults. "Studies h
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  10. Your Child and Anxiety: School Stress Starts Early

    Call it pressure. Call it great expectations. Whatever its name the result is the same: school stress. It starts as soon as kindergarten. It turns play into competitive sport. It turns the joy of learning into a struggle to excel. It turns friends into social connections and charitable acts into a l
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