Think and Grow Rich Insights - A Review of Napoleon Hill"s Book

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Think and Grow Rich is a book that has been around for a while so you've probably heard about it often if you are into self improvement, especially financially.
The book was written by Napoleon Hill, at the request of Andrew Carnegie, for the purpose of finding out what the core difference is between people that create wealth and people who never quite make it.
What he found was really very simple.
The people that created wealth changed the way they thought and what they specifically thought about to create a wealthy mindset.
Thus, the name of the book, Think and Grow Rich.
What Exactly does Think and Grow Rich Mean? A person becomes who he is around and what he thinks about.
The more you are around negative people the more negative you will think.
The more you are around people that are lazy the more you will tend to think and become lazy.
This process is true for any kind of mindset whether it affects you physically, emotionally, in relationships or any part of your life.
Without the right mindset you can never achieve financial abundance.
You must believe you can achieve financial success and then start thinking the way successful people think.
I know that sounds really fluffy and thats what I thought at first too, but its true.
Since this is a really deep subject and can't be explained in a few paragraphs I will offer you some helpful advice.
First, find someone that is successful and follow what they are doing.
Doesn't it make sense, with what's been said above, that if you hang around successful people that are creating wealth some of their mentality about success would become yours.
Second, to start changing your beliefs and the way you think, read Think and Grow rich.
I also highly recommend Anthony Robbins audio's "Personal Power 2".
In the course Anthony really dissects the way people think and explains in detail how to "break your pattern" of current thought and change it to a more productive successful thought pattern by asking yourself specific questions that cause you to, surprise, think! How Can I Change My Beliefs and Do I Have To? As stated in the above paragraph, changing your beliefs can be an in depth process since most people don't even realize that their beliefs and thoughts are what causes the situations they are in financially or otherwise.
The way we think about money can be a deep seeded belief that having a lot of money is somehow wrong or evil or that the only way to get it is to be dishonest, which prevents many from pursuing a financially abundant life.
Asking questions like 'why haven't I created any wealth and what can I do to start creating wealth' will cause you to 'think', find new answers and change the way you approach your finances and other areas of your life.
The great thing about it is that if you continue to ask the questions on a regular basis your brain will automatically come up with answers in your subconscious and will literally pull your physical actions towards success.
So, can you Think and Grow Rich? Absolutely! Your thought pattern, even if you don't realize it, is directing you down whatever path you are on right now, but can be changed to direct you down any path you desire.
Your daily though process is the foundation of what you build your life to look like be it good or bad.
So, put only positive successful thoughts in your mind, seek out a successful person to imitate and use the quality questions they use to start directing your life down the path you want.
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