How to Register a British Company
- 1). Visit the Companies House website and select "Incorporating a company" from the left-hand menu. Click on the "IN01" link to download the company registration form. This form will ask for details on the directors and shareholders of the company, where the company's head office is based and whether there is a company secretary.
- 2). Decide on the type of company to be registered (limited by shares, limited by guarantee or unlimited). The majority of companies are limited by shares, as this limits liability for the company's debts to the value of the owners' shares. Fill in the form, either by hand in black ink or on a computer.
- 3). Refer to the details of shareholders' rights to complete section F4 of the form, which deals with the voting and dividend rights of the shareholders as well as their right to receive a share of any excess capital on the company's winding-up. Copy out the example Memorandum of Association from schedule 1 of the Companies (Registration) Regulations 2008 and have each shareholder sign it. Return the form to Companies House with the appropriate fee.