How to Hide Task Bar Items
- 1). Right-click an empty area of the taskbar and select "Properties," The Taskbar and Start Menu Properties" window will open.
- 2). Click the "Notification Area" tab and put a checkmark in the "Hide Inactive Icons" check box.
- 3). Click "Customize" to open the "Customize Notification Icons" window. This window lists the icons that Windows currently displays in the Notification Area. Click an icon that you want to hide and select "Hide When Inactive" from the drop-down box.
- 4). Click "OK" to close the window. You will see system icons such as "Clock" and "Volume" in the "System Icons" panel.
- 5). Remove the check mark by items that you want to hide and click "OK" to close the window.
- 6). Right-click an item in the Quick Launch toolbar and select "Delete." Windows will move the icon to the Recycle Bin.