Book Review - Storm Born by Richelle Mead
My reactions to this book are a cross between this ? And this ?! I admit I was absolutely hooked from page one.
The author has created a heroine with a quirky, smart aleck, tough point of view.
She's an assassin after all.
Using her athame, silver bullets and magic wand Eugenie Markham deftly destroys 'Otherworld' people who've crossed over into our world to wreak havoc, make mischief and play the nasty with humans.
Raised by her mother and stepfather in the Arizona desert, Eugenie was taught by her stepfather how to be a shaman and follow in his footsteps...
she's good at it, really good at it, so the Otherworld Gentry are afraid of her.
When Eugenie is hired to rescue a teenage girl who's been kidnapped by a bad ass gentry named Aeson - she must cross over into their world.
Crossing over is not usual, in fact, it's very dangerous.
But a little danger isn't about to stop our heroine.
And this is where the journey begins - of good vs.
evil, and Eugenie really finding out who and what she is.
Her travels into the Otherworld allow her to begin to develop powers she didn't know she had, and it's beginning to turn her...
but we don't know what it's turning her into.
And that is where I went quietly nuts.
Not knowing.
There was no definitive ending, and that's because this book comes under the heading of 'fantasy', not romance.
So, I'm afraid there was no happy ending, at least not in this book.
There's a sequel promised, so I'm assuming all comes out right in the end, I just don't know where the end is.
The sizzle factor is high, whether outright or implied, sex is interwoven in this story so much so it's dripping off the pages.
What I didn't see coming was the love triangle, and I wasn't sure who to root for.
The author has created a world I didn't expect.
There's nothing 'neat' or 'pat' about this story.
There's always the question in the back of the reader's mind about who is really good and who is really bad.
My one main objection would be a few of the sex scenes because I felt they were gratuitous, and didn't really add to the story.
Otherwise, it's a series I will continue to read because now I need to find out what happens to Eugenie, her two lovers, and what she'll do with the powers she's developing.
Mead has a terrific voice, she knows how to grab a reader and keep them turning the pages.