Get an Ex Girlfriend Back - But Figure Out What You Did Wrong First!
This isn't the case, though.
In fact, no matter how much love you have available or are willing to give to your ex, you should never submit yourself into thinking that you are merely there to support her and forget about yourself completely.
Doing so will merely give her all of the power in your relationship, and make her dominant and powerful to the point where she might take full advantage of you.
While it is true that a guy's identity should be dependent on proving his love and showcasing how well he can provide for his girl at the same time, you should never settle for getting nothing in return.
So, if you want to get an ex girlfriend back, the best thing for you to do would be to follow the signs in this article.
Hopefully, you will get enough insight into the behaviors that you need to showcase in order to get what you want in the end.
The first thing that you need to remember if you want to get an ex girlfriend back is that she doesn't want you to hover around her every single second of your life.
In fact, the worst thing that you could do is to keep her away from her friends right now.
What you have to do instead is get her to miss you.
Fend for yourself for now and don't mind what she is doing too much.
If you hover around her too much, you won't just piss her off, but you might piss off her friends in the process - and let's face it: her friends will play a big part in her decision of giving you a second chance.
Don't ruin it! If you want to get an ex girlfriend back, you basically have to show her that you have your own dreams and goals in life.
Be it related to your career, your education or your spiritual journey, you have to come up with goals that don't involve your ex but will serve your life and personal fulfillment more at the end of it all.
If you used to sacrifice your goals to make your ex happy because you believed that she deserves more success in life than you, then it's time to change that mindset around.