Ccna Training:google Fiber For Communities Site Launches
Result of Fiber Network Communication:
As mentioned by the Blog at Google the Fiber Network has got more response than Google estimated. Google almost received 1,200 community responses and around 2lacs individual requests. Google never thought that the response will be so over whelming. Although Google should have thought that the response would turn out to be awesome as it is the leading search engine in town. Plus Google Earth and Google Chrome has also increased the popularity of Google company.
The Google Fiber community also stated that this network will work as a hotspot for all the fiber network related information and also about what's next in mind of Google employers. This will work as a communication hub which will cater all the ongoing policies whether local or federal in the field of fiber development. Although the fiber development has seen a little set back due to its high pricing but with the Google community taking the initiative the fiber industry will see a revival.
Google has also put up videos showing how eager people are with the launch of these communities. They also made it a point that these trail communities will help them work better for all the other communities to come. This process of getting the feedback before really launching something new means making the thing best even before its creation.
If you think that the connection speed will be a problem with such high responses then it's better to mention that Google will decide at the year's end that which lucky parts of the country will have the benefits of such high speed broadband with 1Gb/s speed. Who else could have thought of starting this process other then Google of course?
Now sooner a new era of communications will start with the installments of these fast connection networks. The fiber communication has always promised to provide better connectivity and Google is there to prove a point. The only drawback is that Google will not launch these networks everywhere in the country. Only some lucky cities will be benefited by these networks. Everyone is waiting for the launch of these communities in reality. Let"s just wait and watch what difference these networks will make.