Connecticut Mortgage Loan Refinancing - Choosing The Right Mortgage Program To Avoid Overpaying
The problem is that when you meet with your mortgage lender to get a Connecticut refinance mortgage you will most likely become too emotionally invested in the process.
Then you can wisely shop around to get a low interest rate mortgage in Connecticut, but be aware that you will have to constantly overcome your emotional triggers that tell you that you can afford to pay a mortgage payment that requires three of your four monthly paychecks.
- have two to three mortgages already
- have no equity in their home
- owe more on than the appraised value (this is called negative equity)
Before every spending decision you have to ask yourself the question: Will this increase the resale value of the home? It's easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and start doing things to (and spending money on) a house to make it special just for you.
And you should definitely make your house a home...
within reason.
For example:
- Instead of adding a paved basketball court.
Paint the bedroom walls a nice neutral color - Instead of adding a custom storage shed under your favorite tree.
Install new flooring or hardwood floors - Instead of purchasing unneeded expensive furniture.
Add professional landscaping around your home