How to Repair a Carpet
Not just kids but how many adults leave cigarette burn marks on our carpets, which are in serious need of being patched up.
For carpet burns you can try and fix it yourself or call in a professional.
Personally I would at least try for myself, there are numerous videos on the internet showing step by step what to do, which can save you some money.
If not then you can either try to hide the burn mark or hire a professional to fix it for you.
As for the stains that appear on peoples carpets daily, these can be dealt with by yourself using a carpet cleaning product.
I recommend Resolve Carpet Cleaner, others may have great success with other products on the market.
When first testing out a cleaning solution try it on a part of the carpet that is hidden from view, just in case anything bad happens.
You don't want to attempt to clean the big stain in the middle of the room other for the carpet cleaning to make it worse.
Having a carpet spot cleaner on hand to tackle stains asap will provide far better results than trying to clean old stains.
If you have numerous old stains around your carpets, then a full carpet clean with a carpet shampooer is recommended.
You can either purchase your own carpet shampooer and clean your carpets yourself, or hire a professional and get your carpets looking and smelling as good as new.
Either way make sure to give your carpet a full clean at least once a year, to help prolong the life of it.