Women Are Higher Animals Than Men
That women cry easily, isn't because they're weaker than men.
Women cry to release their pent-up emotions before they boil over.
That makes them smarter than men, because men keep all their emotional pain locked down, which, in the end, causes them and everyone around them, great pain when they blow up or fall apart.
Women can multitask.
I've watched my wife do several things at the same time, without missing a beat.
When I've challenged her about the quality of each task she's performing simultaneously, she repeats, verbatim, what I've said.
I struggle to do one thing at a time, and do it right.
There are as many women now in the various graduate schools of business, medicine, law, and dentistry, as men.
Clearly women are not only more intelligent, but they're also more driven.
All they needed was to compete in a system that offered equal opportunity.
It may still be a while before women are running the Fortune 500 companies, but it's only a matter of time.
Women typically have several women friends who they frequently talk with.
Men seldom have even one.
Women are more willing to trust than men, which makes them good, friend material.
Their willingness to trust also makes them better relationship partners.
From the time girls are very young they share their stories and support each other.
Men compete with each other for jobs, women, dates, sports, and even penis size.
That seems kind of lame compared to supporting each other.
While sexual scandals about male politicians abound, I have yet to read one story about a Congresswoman embroiled in extramarital sexual behavior.
That activity seems reserved for men who think that because they wield power, they can have sex with anyone, anytime they want.
When I think of all the stories about male politicians who solicit gay sex in public men's rooms and with both male and female prostitutes, I have to conclude that women, by comparison, are morally superior in ways that actually count.
Invoking god and preaching against gay marriage, while simultaneously having extramarital sex, seem the worst kind of moral hypocrisy.
The notion that women are the weaker sex is preposterous.
Nothing about women points in that direction.
I have always believed that if men had to bear children, the world would have ended long ago.
Women are incredibly tough human beings.
Half of the children in America are being raised by single mothers who work all day and take care of their kids every minute they're not working.
Many manage this with no support from their ex-husbands, financial or otherwise.
The notion that women are weaker is absurd.
Ask any kid who's being raised by a single mom if he thinks she's weak.
Men who believe that women are only good for sex are delusional, and are turning a blind eye to reality.
Now that women no longer need men to have children, marriage rates are dropping.
I don't blame women for not wanting to get stuck coddling men who behave like boys, in marriage or any other relationships.
Men can't carry their own weight in relationships because they're afraid to confront their own emotions.
In my book, that's incredibly weak.
Men are going to have to wake up to the truth about women.
In many important ways, they are superior to men.
Men could learn a lot from women if they would stop tripping on their own feet trying to escape the truth about them.
I suggest men embrace women, for all the right reasons.
Women are achieving success in arenas previously restricted to men.
I wonder what direction this country would take with a woman in the White House.
I seriously doubt we'd be hopelessly embroiled in several, unwinnable, unaffordable wars.
I believe we'd have better schools, medical care, and social services.
Maybe it's their turn to run the government.
They couldn't possibly do any worse than the men who have run it into the ground.
They might actually do the job far better.
Women are less ego-driven than men, which would allow a woman President to do the best job possible instead of the best job her ego could allow.
Men should stop attacking and resenting women for being far more skilled dealing with life's challenges than they are.
I'm a big fan of women, but I'm also a big fan of the current, cultural underdog, men.
In a technology-driven world, it's not about being physically stronger any more.
It's about being emotionally stronger and open-minded now.