Texas Holdem and Aggression
" That is a simple yet elegant way to sum up Nl limit holdem.
When playing this game of skill, aggression is key.
It is foolish to display blind, wreckless aggression.
However controlled and calculated aggression is encouraged.
You may ask, "What am I talking about?" I'm talking aout playing your hands with confidence.
This confidence comes from good or premium starting hands.
A calculating aggressive player rarely checks and calls.
This is the winning combination: betting, raising, and good starting hands.
You must also know when to fold.
This sheer aggression and confidence will either make players fold under the heat or make a mistake and pay you off.
To explain, by betting and raising you make it expensive for players to get lucky on their draws.
It's hard to call a pot-sized bet with a draw and just plain stupid to come over the top.
It's your responsibility to make them pay to see if they can get lucky.
Sometimes they will hit and you'll lose.
The main point is that you played sound, aggressive poker, and over the long haul you will come out on top.
Another reason to be aggressive is that people will tend to pay you off with your strong hands.
It seems that players, aggressive players included, don't like an aggressive table image.
Simply, because you've been dubbed aggressive, players can't wait to catch you on a bluff, or outdraw you.
So in essence players will call more often than not with rags and weaker hands like middle pair.
However, your game is good hands paired with aggression so it's hard to read what you might have.
They will pay you off.
Finally, you can get money into the pot more effectively.
When you have a monster you want to get your money in the pot.
Whenever, you have great starting hands like AA, KK you want to get your money into the pot.
Being an aggressive player, people are used to you betting and raising, so you could have a wide range of hands.
In their eyes! If players have seen you raise with 7 6 suited, or K Q offsuite, AQ suited to them looks like the nuts.
In instances like these, more often than not players will come over the top of you and you can get your money into the pot at their dismay.