How to Grade Homeschool Papers
- 1). Give a percentage grade for questions answered correctly on worksheets or tests. The easiest way to do this is to divide the number your child got right by the total number of questions on the test. For instance, if there were 20 questions on the test and your child got 19 correct, you would divide 19 by 20 and arrive at 95 percent.
- 2). Make a letter-grade system comparable to the one used by teachers in public schools. In many schools, the grading scale is on 10-point increments. An “A” is for a grade above 90 percent, a “B” is for a score between 80 and 90 percent, and so on. Your grading scale may be harder or easier, depending upon your homeschool policy.
- 3). Grade essays with a subjective scale. Since most essays will be on topics where the subject matter is just as important as your child’s writing skills, you can break the grading down into separate areas and offer a numeric value for each. As an example, you might allow 20 points for spelling and grammar, 25 points for legible handwriting, 30 points for providing the correct answer and the last 25 points for writing style. Make your own scale that reflects your goals for your children.
- 4). Provide a letter grade for an extended period. If you’re making a transcript for your homeschooler, you will record a grade for an entire quarter, semester or year of study in a specific subject. Public schools often "weight" a student’s grade, and you can, too, by placing more importance on daily work, for instance, and less on quizzes. For the final grade, make a chart with each aspect of your child’s grade--participation, completing assignments, daily scores, test scores and special projects and give each a percentage value as you did in Step 3.
- 5). Compile a student summary of grades and subjects studied if your state requests a review of your child’s academic record. Save some of his or her graded papers to show the reviewer your method of assessing grades and provide a summary of each year’s educational goals and the result.