How to Build Muscles in Your Arms and Legs
Well let me let you in on a few secrets and you will find that your arms and legs will get bigger in no time, all that it takes is the right routine and the quality of the exercise not the quantity.
In this article I will let you in on some tips to add those much wanted extra inches to both your arms and your legs.
Are you ready for the first secret which is not really even a secret at all? It is basically common sense.
You have to work out your larger muscles such as your back and legs to get bigger arms.
If you think about it if your legs and back and chest are not big then you are going to first of all look funny but secondly your body wouldn't be proportioned right.
You see men do not and should not look like Popeye the sailor man.
So make your larger muscles strong and your arms will get super big in no time.
Another tip for all you guys out there that are looking to get bigger.
Your triceps make up most of your arms not your biceps.
If you did not know that now you do.
I bet some of you guys out there are hitting your head with your hand saying duh!!! This secret which is really again common sense will make a huge difference for you the next time that you lift weights.
The best way to gain muscle in your legs are squats squats and more squats there is other ways to gain leg muscle but when done right this is the most effective way.
Everyone wants leg muscles but nobody wants to do squats saying that it is bad on your knees.
This is true if they are done incorrectly but if they are done correctly then they are very safe and effective.
Remember that there are thousands of ways to build muscle in your arms and legs, and everyone is different and has different workout needs for there individual body but there are workouts that people are doing that are ineffective.
So study the body and try different things out but keep these tips in mind if you want bigger arms and legs.