How to Get Back Your Ex Even If You Feel Absolute Crap, Utterly Lost, Hopeless and Helpless
You want to hate them, but you cannot.
You know you still love them and cannot bear to be dumped.
It is also a question of restoring your self-esteem.
You must remember that it is not possible to take a correct and logical decision if you are so much disturbed and shaken.
So force yourself to be patient for sometime so that you can look at your situation in correct perspective and find out the true reason for the break-up.
It is difficult to find a general reason for a particular situation.
Sometimes you decide at the spur of a moment.
You may also make silly mistakes that are fraught with long-time consequences.
How to try to analyse the situation in right perspective? Here is a representative situation: You are having a nice time with your now ex, but the things suddenly take an unexpected turn.
It sometimes happens that you face the dark phase of your life.
You feel depressed, but do not know the exact reason.
Even a small disturbance such as a minor clash of opinion with your lover irritates you no end.
You tend to blow a small situation out of proportion especially when you are in a bad mood.
Perhaps you do so to justify your masochistic inclination.
Ask a psychic, he may reply that you are probably being haunted by a ghost.
At the same time it is also true that we are often not happy with the present and the memory of good old times often rouses the nostalgia.
Now here is what may happen to cause a break up with your lover: As you are having a bout of bad mood, there comes your ex out of nowhere and calls you up in his sweetest voice.
You have already forgotten his bad points or they have been pushed out of your active memory by the bitter present.
Your old feelings at once resurface.
It is like you are offered a small sip of sweet and cool drink in hot weather and your dormant thirst wakes up.
You are too overwhelmed to take a rational-(w) holistic view of situation and jump over the fence in fit of emotion.
Even the sanest and most logical people are taken off guard and trip.
This is exactly what happened with your ex.
They decided to break up with you there and then.
You were left flabbergasted, furious and shocked for words.
And once your ex had taken a step, it became difficult to retract.
It became a question of ego.
How to get your ex back? As mentioned earlier, sometimes we take the decision to break up in a fit of illogical emotion.
We try to stick to our stand just to justify our ego even though we realize the gravity of mistake after a short time.
The realization continues to grow stronger with each passing day.
A time comes when we cannot stick to our decision and almost give up.
If you have suffered a break up with your lover due to their hasty and fitful step, you should not commit the mistake of taking a similar rash decision in a fit of anger.
Wait for the passions to cool down and good sense to descend.
Once you see the mistake of your lover in correct perspective, wait patiently for the moment until they realize their mistake.
When they do, most probably, they will start sending you signals of regret through mutual friends, phone calls or text messages.
Don't try to rub salt over their injuries by insisting upon getting self-humiliating confession.
Take a compassionate view.
Remember, you love each other.
You too could have committed the same mistake.
Go over to meet your ex.
They will feel honoured, humble, overjoyed and grateful at your magnanimity and throw themselves into your arms and cry over your shoulder.
The renewed bond this time would be much purer and stronger than ever before.
Whatever be the cause of your breakup with your lover, it may be infidelity, loss of interest and dispute for whatever reason, your relationship can be brought back to old love and warmth.