Obsession or something else........and me
I have always given priority to fame instead of money.Every time i see some one else earning fame ,I wished myself to be blessed with it.I try hard to draw attention of people.I give crazy comments on facebook so that I can draw attention of many and make them like it.When i see others profile on facebook with hundreds of comment on it , I try to copy the context and do it after some days so that others will also think that i am "COOL". I feel sad for myself for not being blessed with any fame earning quality(like painting, photography,dance...) .I am not able to create any innovative idea where I can indulge myself . Life for me is beautiful stage where we have to show our talent and get applauds.Money has never been a problem to me ,I do a lot of traveling and maintain an aristocratic life. I have many friends but sometimes I feel there is none.I have a philosophy..." LONELY LIFE IS THE BEST LIFE". I easily get influenced and always try to learn something from various sources.
I know I can buy many things but the desire fades away after I decide to buy the fame earning instrument because I find myself concluding it only to be a money wasting object.My decisions change rapidly if I find a greater efficient alternative to the problem.I love and respect all but many times ,I make myself away from everyone .My life is completely messed up for 2 minutes while for next 1 hour I find everything is in order.Its may be that i think a lot or I have concluded myself to be lacunae in many. I want to taste and do everything .