How to Make a Retro Shirt
- 1). Choose a clean and dry cotton t-shirt with no existing design on it.
- 2). Set up an ironing board on a secure, flat surface near an electrical outlet. If possible, set up near a table so you can keep your Iron On nearby.
- 3). Read and follow the instructions on the Iron On package. Use scissors to cut the Iron On away from any excess paper.
- 4). Heat your iron to a "Cotton" setting. Do not use steam. Ensure there is no water in the iron.
- 5). Spread your t-shirt over the edge of the ironing board while the iron is heating.
- 6). Place a paper bag inside the t-shirt, between the two layers of fabric. This will protect the t-shirt and stop the transfer from bleeding through to the other side of the shirt.
- 7). Place the Iron On face-down on the outside of the shirt, exactly where you want it to appear. It will be backwards, but make sure it's not upside down. The design needs to be touching the t-shirt you want to affix it to.
- 8). Place a pillow case or other piece of fabric over the Iron On. The t-shirt and back of the Iron On transfer needs to be protected by another piece of fabric so it won't be burned by the iron during the process.
- 9). Follow the instructions on the package the Iron On came in. Apply heated pressure for about a minute. Repeat if specified in the package instructions or if there are any pieces which did not affix to the shirt.
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Let cool and remove any excess plastic.