Educational Parties Can Be Fun Too!
You can have games set up around the play area for groups to play.
Simple things can be done individually, or you can even do group activities.
For educational parties teach the children a dance or do something with crafts.
If you're not afraid of getting your hands dirty, you can do some paper Mache, salt dough or paints.
Any of those can teach a child art and that nothing needs to be perfect for art to work.
See if you can find a friend or yourself to dress up as a favorite character from a book the children have been reading, or in their age group.
You can read a story or two; you'll have to pick a book that you can get through within an hour.
This works great for younger kids.
For something more active for the educational parties, start with a book and help them break down each part and act it out.
This will take time but it will keep everyone active.
Get a camera so you can film the acting and then show it the children afterwards.
Your educational parties don't have to be boring.
You can take anything and make it fun.
Teach the children something they wouldn't normally learn in their class.
Take them out to a field trip and show them things that they wouldn't normally see.
Most of all make all the actives fun, don't pack too much into one party, and make sure that you have help on hand, just in case!Learning parties are parties that spark imagination and bring joy to everyone.